Private Training

Private one-on-one dog training lessons are an excellent option for pet owners who want individualized attention and tailored training plans for their dogs. These lessons can be just you and your dog or include multiple members of your family.

Who is Private Training right for?

  • Families or individuals who have busy schedules and can not commit to a weekly class

  • Dogs who do not fit the criteria for classes – reactive, too shy or too much energy

  • New puppy owners who have specific needs not covered in a class setting.

  • Any dog that needs to learn the basics!

  • Dogs with specific behavioural issues

  • Dog parents who feel more comfortable working in a home environment and not in a group

What topics can be covered in a private session?

  • Puppy Foundations – What to expect when bringing your new fur baby home,

    socialization, potty training, crate training, nipping/biting, boundaries, jumping,

    body language, along with any basic obedience training.

  • Basic Foundations and Manners for dogs of any ages –

    sit, stay, down, attention cues, impulse control to name a few

  • Enrichment Activities

  • Leash Skills – loose leash walking, off leash or structured “Heel”

  • Recall – whether you have never taught one or need to get more reliability.

  • Behavioural Challenges – reactivity, over-arousal, shy or timid dogs.

How do I get started?

  • Book a Consultation -- During that initial meeting, we’ll further discuss your needs, goals, and any specific problems you may be having. The consultation is critical to your dog’s training success, giving us the information, we need to create a personalized training plan, especially for the two of you. The session is 75 minutes long and you will receive a letter reviewing what we discussed.

  • Behavior History Form - Fill out this form that is supplied by email with your booking confirmation.

  • Booking additional Sessions - After your initial consultation, you can book individual sessions or purchase a package.

  • Support - We are available to help by phone or email with any of the items we work on in the session.

Initial Consultation: $120.00 + GST - 75 minutes

Individual In Facility or In Home session $100.00 + GST

Package Prices – these will be discussed during your consultation.

Don’t have email?

Give us a call at 250-571-0125 to set up an appointment or get more information.